太和投资|太和资本宣布投资波卡生态 NFT 网络 UniArts

研究驱动型加密 基金太和资本(Ti Captial)近日宣布投资了 UniArts。UniArts 是波卡生态上 用于 NFT 创作,拍卖和发行的区块链网络 。

太和资本投资的波卡生态 NFT 网络 UniArts 完成了种子轮及战略融资。除了太和资本之外,参投机构包括 PAKA、Infinity Lab、Bi Tou Capital、SSSnodes、Alves Venture、Lancer capital、7 点钟基金。本期投资将成为 UniArts 后续开发工作以及市场推进工作的所需资金。

太和投资|太和资本宣布投资波卡生态 NFT 网络 UniArts

关于 UniArts

UniArts 是基于 Substrate 开发的,用于 NFT 创作,拍卖和发行的区块链网络。 UniArts 提供行业级 NFT 创作工具和跨链解决方案,旨在成为企业,个人甚至 AI 创作者与区块链网络之间的主要门户,将其各类独特的艺术作品,汇聚于统一的 NFT 平台。

太和投资|太和资本宣布投资波卡生态 NFT 网络 UniArts


太和资本为区块链及数字资产领域知名的专业投资、咨询机构,旗下涵盖四大业务主线:风险投资、资产管理、加速 & 咨询、研究分析。


Ti Capital announced to invest in UniA rts, a Polkadot NFT network

Ti Capital recently announced an investment in UniArts, which is a network for NFT creation, auction and issuance on Polkadot.

UniArts, a Polkadot NFT network, has completed its seed-round and strategic investment. Besides Ti Capital, UniArts also received investment from PAKA, Infinity Lab, Bi Tou Capital, SSSNodes, Alves Venture, Lancer Capital, and 7 o 'clock Fund. The investment will be used to fund UniArts's development and marketing.

太和投资|太和资本宣布投资波卡生态 NFT 网络 UniArts

About UniArts

UniArts is a network for NFT creation, auction and issuance developed based on Substrate. UniArts provides industry-level NFT creation tools and cross-chain solutions, with an aim to become a portal to bring enterprises, inpiduals and even AI creators into blockchain, gathering various unique art works together in a unified NFT platform.

太和投资|太和资本宣布投资波卡生态 NFT 网络 UniArts

About Ti Captial

As a professional investment and consultative institution, TI Capital covers four major areas : venture capital, asset management, accelerator & consultancy, research and analysis.

Ti Capital is currently managing multiple crypto currency funds, and has invested and partnered with multiple projects with bright prospect and broad commercial use successively.